A space of one’s own

A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction. – Virginia Woolf

Finally, my writing space is ready. It’s not a room but it is a corner so to speak. There is a small stylish desk that I bought years ago and try to keep tidy, with my laptop, journal and a bunch of pens and pencils on top. Beside it is a bookcase with reminders of who I am. My old metal crayon box from when I was a child, with crayons still inside, infused with that lovely waxy scent. On the top shelf is a brass gong, a gift from my great uncle’s house, and a reclining blue Buddha. Another shelf holds a basket of art supplies, so I no longer have to go digging in the cupboard when the urge hits. Beneath that, musical instruments, a small set of bongos I bought in Cuba, a clave, and two shakers, and the odd-one-out, an electric pencil sharpener. This melange is rounded out by a few of my favourite books, alongside blank journals and candle holders. A welcoming space. There is a window over the desk and on the wall beside it, a sepia toned photo of a bare-foot 5-year-old girl, sitting on the grass, looking at flowers. It might not be a room, but it is my own and it reminds me of my commitment to write. And for today, that is enough.

Start writing no matter what, the water does not flow until the faucet is turned on – Louis L’Amore